
In het paaldansen worden er ook wedstrijden gehouden. Enkele leden van de N.S.P.V. Lasya durven het aan met deze wedstrijden mee te doen.


If you like to participate in some competitions as well, we can help you out! You can always ask the WedstrijdCie or the Board for any questions regarding competitions. There is also a WhatsApp group for competitions, you can ask them to be added to it.

Aankomende Wedstrijden

N.S.P.V. Lasya does not organize any competition this year, however our memebers can be seen in some of the following upcoming competitions:

PSO Oberhausen on the 20th and 21st of April.

NK2024 on the 1st and 2nd of June

House of Phoenix competition on the 13th of October.

Mystic arts competion on the 9th of November

Eerdere wedstrijden

Members of Lasya have competed in several past competitions, Last year 2022-2023 Lasya organized the National Student Competition.