Actieve Leden Gezocht!

De volgende commissies zijn op zoek naar actieve leden:



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Lasya's amazing committees


The ActCie organises fun non-pole-dance-related activities. The focus is on socializing and getting to know each other better. The ActCie has organised new year’s receptions, bowling, laser quest, and much more. Any fun ideas for the ActCie? Mail to !


The PactCie organizes activities related to pole dancing, like streetpole, competitions, workshops and show nights. They will introduce you to the world of pole dancing outside of the classroom! Do you have any fun ideas? Mail to


The Commission regulates introduction events, promotion on the markets, demonstrations and workshops on the sport days of the Radboud University and the HAN (University of applied sciences of Arnhem and Nijmegen). They provide promotional materials and plenty of enthusiastic members who want to help out at the above mentioned activities. Would you like to help out during the intro or do you have other questions related to the introduction?Please mail to


De BoCie, ook wel de borrelcommissie genoemd, organiseert het hele jaar door leuke themaborrels. Tijdens deze borrel kunnen leden samen genieten van een borrel. Afhankelijk van het thema zullen er ook andere activiteiten zijn zoals samen een spel spelen. Heb je interesse om leuke borrels te organiseren? Mail snel naar


Een keer per jaar organiseert de kampcommissie een weekendje weg voor de leden. Tijdens dit weekend worden er leuke spelletjes en workshops georganiseerd (en een beetje paaldansen). Wil jij volgend jaar het kamp organiseren? Stuur dan een mail naar of vraag het een bestuurslid!


The TraiCie organises the Lasya trainings. They are in charge of the schedule, make sure all trainers are well-trained and organize a nice trainers outing every year to thank our wonderful volunteer trainers!


The trainers are volunteers that give the lessons and ensure safety and advice during the free training. All trainers are experienced pole dancers and followed a training to ensure safe training sessions! They also know how to properly set up and remove the x poles we dance on. You can also ask them to spot you when you are trying a new trick. You can recognize the trainers by their black tops with silver print!


The EventCie is the committee that oversees the organisation and planning of Lasya’s biggest events! Every other year, we hold a big shownight and every three to four years we have the honour of organising the NSK (Dutch Student Championship). Do you have some crazy fun idea for the next shownight or do you enjoy organising big events? Join the EventCie!


The WebCie is the committee respsonble for upkeep of this website and it’s related functions. If you want to know more about hwo teh site works or want to join the WebCie, send a mail to


The Audit Committee gives advice to the treasurer about the financial policy of the sitting board. Twice a year the committee checks if the bookkeeping is done correctly.


The WedstrijdCie is a unique commitee within Lasya that helps our members with anything competition related. They are also responsible for assigning coaches for competitions. Do you want know more about competitions or join one let the WedstrijdCie know and they will give you all the help you need.